Boom. It just keeps on going. The first 5 chapters are, again- kinda just catching up with Marcello, Luca & the ongoing political boundaries & tensions between Firenze & Siena. Not at all boring, just not as suspenseful & action packed. It's a short buildup period, but once it leaves that zone- it's all guns- er- swords- blazing. This is one of those books that you just want to read through in one sitting. The plot flows well, is chalk full of surprising twists & edge of your seat moments. Bergren is a plot genius. Simple as that.
Plenty of kisses between Marcello & Gabi. Some short, some longer and quite passionate. Desire. Attraction. Falling even deeper in love- that kinda stuff.
Rodolfo & Gabi kiss twice.
Paratore caresses the curve of a kitchen maid's bottom, knowing she cannot move to defend herself as she is standing over a ledge, with a rope around her neck. He later pushes her over the edge.
When Gabi is ***SPOILERS*** taken to Roma to marry Rodolfo under duress as a captive, he assures her he will be the most gentle of husbands. Mention is made several times that their marriage would be witnessed & enforced by four Grandi elders, making sure it is consummated.
Again, more ***SPOILERS*** the night before Gabi & Marcello marry, they get in a rather heated kissing match. Marcello says he needs to leave, to keep Gabi's purity for their wedding night. Gabi puts the idea out there, that nobody would know if they were together before getting married, but they decide they want to abstain for one more day, so they can come into the marriage "untarnished".
When they do get married and head off for the bridal chamber, Marcello begins untying the back of Gabi's dress. He slips it off her shoulder and kisses her. The scene fades before we see anymore than them kissing.
Yes, I know it's a book and we don't "see" it, like in a movie...but let's be honest, to a reader, their mind is the screen where the words come to life & it becomes every bit like a movie.
When they wake in the night, Gabi asks if they had time for being together at that moment (there was a battle approaching) , to which Marcello replied,
"'Time enough" He said, tossing off his shirt and joining me under the warm covers. "First love," he growled, "then war."
"First love, always love," I said, welcoming him back into my arms."
So as you can see, nothing got explicit. Of course, everyone knows what's going on- even the next morning when Gabi walks across the room and sees her wedding gown in a puddle on the floor where they'd left it the night before- we get the idea, but we aren't shown in detail what happens.
Battle type stuff. People getting shot, stabbed, slashed, pushed off ledges- some with ropes around their necks- hanging. For one person who was thrown over the wall with a rope around their neck, the rope jerks and twitches a few times, then it stills.
Fortino is imprisoned in...I think it's Firenze- forgive me if the city is wrong- and has suffered over a year of torture and imprisonment. He is nearly dead when Marcello meets with him, his body riddled with infection & internal bleeding. His eye was taken during his captivity, which we don't witness firsthand, but we see the aftermath of Fortino's body- broken, bruised and dying.
Basically, this book took my metaphorical heart, tore it out, stomped on it, filled it with hope and love, drowned it, brought it back to life and then smashed it again. It was wonderful. And horrible. These books- especially Torrent, are chalk full of LIFE. That includes sacrifice, so much heart wrenchingly beautiful sacrifice, and love, and yes, sometimes death. But honestly, I love these books because they are all encompassing. They make you feel not just one or two feels- no, they make you feel ALL THE FREAKIN' FEELS! Valour, bravery, loss, standing up to the lions of injustice. many things.
Oh, and can we just- Chapter 20 for a minute? Guys...chapter 20. aslkjfkljsadfoiweorisdf. Oh. My. Goodness.
Okay, fangirl out- but honestly these books are just so fine. They is fine.
5 Stars, and I'd recommend this book for ages 16-17 +. Things get a lot more intense in this book, so readers beware :)
Read the full review's for...
Book 1- Waterfall
Book 2- Cascade
Book 4- Bourne & Tributary
Book 5- Deluge
Read the full review's for...
Book 1- Waterfall
Book 2- Cascade
Book 4- Bourne & Tributary
Book 5- Deluge
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