It took a little longer to get going, as the first 10 ish chapters were comprised of a lot of catching up on the times once the girls return to Italy, and discovering all the new political intricacies, who's in power, who's trapped in a dungeon etc. etc. It picks up around chapter 13 & grooves on at a nice clip after that point. But have no fear, the first 10 chapters aren't boring in the least- just shall I say it- as nail biting as the rest.
Plenty of kissing (not the peck on the cheek kind ;), references to a man being eager for his wedding bed, references made to wenches warming the beds of various guys, ect.
A soldier rips the front of Gabi's shirt open (she's dressed in dude clothes at the time), leaving her thin shirt and bound chest exposed. He makes mention to reminding her what it is "to be created female", insinuating rape, but nothing occurs on that front.
A man sneaks up on Gabi when she's just finished dressing after a bath, her clothes clinging to her- there's an attraction. She thought he was gay before, but in that moment, she decided he wasn't.
When Luca is sick- SPOILERS: a small strain of the plague goes round in this book. Luca catches it, and when Lia is washing his face and arms with vinegar and hot water, he mentions that in some cultures, vinegar is considered an aphrodisiac- to which Lia replies that in her culture, it is the smell of stinky old women, or something like that. When Marcello & Gabi are escaping bands of soldiers coming after them, they hide between some boulders. Marcello leans/lays on top of Gabi, kissing her- and she thinks he's trying to make a move on her when she's compromised- but he quickly whispers that guards were coming, and he didn't want them to be discovered.
Battle type stuff, swords being plunged into dudes, arrows hitting them in the neck, face etc. Gabi orders the cutting off of a traitor's ears. She closes her eyes, but hears the discarded ears hit the floor, the sound of the knife cutting them off, blood spattering...maybe screaming- can't remember. Men die in combat. There is talk of people- traitors- both men and women, being hanged. General roughhousing overall & some crazy mobs of people throwing fruit & stones. While this hasn't covered the entire amount/type of violence within the pages of Cascade, I'm sure you've gotten an idea.
Cascade is the beginning of a great, terrible and gloriously heart wrenching experience. For some reason, while Waterfall is book 1, this is the one where things start to get intense. The stakes are higher. More heartstrings are tangled. Your heart basically get's taken on a mini-rollarcoaster that will go absolutely bananas in book 3, Torrent. And by banana's, I mean- I think I need to do a GIF post about how a reader feels, going through the River Of Time series- cause guys, you will get hit, and hit hard with the feels. Torrent only gets bigger & crazier.
I'd recommend this book for 15-16 + again, it's all dependent on each person.
I'll be back shortly with a review for Torrent. Stay tuned- have you read Cascade? What were your favourite parts?
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Hi, so I just wanted to say that I LOVE your reviews! Also, could you make a review of Torrent from River of Time? Because you have a rewiew of the other River of Time books, but not Torrent. I'm reading Torrent right now, and I'm almost finished!