As I read an ARC (advanced reading copy) of this one, I didn't have a physical copy to take a photo of, so please forgive the image grab off of goodreads!
Well thought out & executed. Intricate details make this read the kind where your brains need to be in fully functioning mode- not before bed or when you're not entirely committed to being focused. Pace was good & the plot flowed well- nothing choppy or out of place. I certainly did not see the ending coming how it did! The plot totally threw me for a loop.
Given this being a type of suspense/murder mystery type book, violence & creepy stuff is a given. Genocides are spoken of (in past tense) and described, with their share of gory details. Characters talk about people (some close to them) that have been murdered/raped/tortured.
Again, given this type of genre and plot, one of our MC's being a forensic anthropologist, examining human remains, how they died/were murdered, body drops etc. is a common topic.
If that kind of stuff creeps you out- maybe give this book a pass.
Characters fall in love. There is mention of a character (in past tense) being raped (a reference, nothing in detail), another being touched inappropriately by her abductor. Someone runs a sex tourism business with underage girls (we never see it, but it is spoken of by others).
Brilliant plot, filled with diverse and relatable characters, suspense and sooo many questions!! Personally for me, I found the amount and kind of bad stuff in this book weighed a little heavy on, and left me feeling kinda blah & gross. Another day it might have been entirely fine- just not the day I read it, haha. My lower rating in no way reflects bad writing on the author's part- merely my own personal preference for reading content at the particular time.
Dani has a gift with words, plots & characters (I loved the Parker, Griff, Declan & crew).
For those of you who like a gripping murder mystery with some awesome MC's, this book hits stores February 2016!
Rating: 2 Stars (for my own personal enjoyment) but that aside, 5 stars for the writing, plot & amazing characters.
Ages: 18+
Honest review given after reading an ARC from NetGalley of Cold Shot
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