First book in Ronie Kendig's new Spec Ops, Globe Trotting, Dive Into History series, called the Tox Files, aptly named after our MC, Cole "Tox" Russell, a former Green Beret who- after a gone rogue mission, is persona non grata to the United basically he doesn't exist.
Synopsis from Goodreads:
"Four years after a tragic mission decimated his career and his team, Cole “Tox” Russell is persona non grata to the United States. And that’s fine—he just wants to be left alone. But when a dormant, centuries-old disease is unleashed at an archaeological dig where three Bronze-era censers are found, Tox is lured back into action. Partnered with an archaeologist and an FBI agent who’s an expert in deception, Tox and his team are pitted against a secret society, a plague dubbed the New Black Death, and a revered codex—which may hold the key to stopping the deadly outbreak."
Pulse-pounding, adrenaline pumping, history digging, globe trotting GLORY- Conspiracy Of Silence has officially won "Book Of The Year" for me.
The action scenes were fresh and gripping, the characters unique and compelling, and I can say I most certainly fell in love with the Wraith-squad.
Their foray into history was dizzyingly intricate- I think I may have to give it another read to fully comprehend all that was going on, but it was amazing. Also- Cole Russell gets the BAE award of the year. The writing style is fresh, gripping and powerful. So- READ THIS BOOK. THE end. Boom.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Monday, 9 May 2016
Injustice For All by Robin Caroll
(taken from goodreads)
A federal judge lies bleeding on his office floor, betrayed by a most unlikely source- people who helped him bring criminals to justice. Now, why would someone working for the FBI need to disappear after witnessing this crime?
When Remington Wyatt sees her godfather's murder, she recognizes the killers and knows it's only a matter of time before they come to silence her. She must do the only thing possible to stay
FBI agent Rafe Baxter is serious about his career, and solving a cold case involving a federal judge's death puts him in line for a promotion he so desires. But the case leads him to the small town of Hopewell, Louisiana, where some secrets seem inextricably hidden deep within the bayou.
(taken from goodreads)
A federal judge lies bleeding on his office floor, betrayed by a most unlikely source- people who helped him bring criminals to justice. Now, why would someone working for the FBI need to disappear after witnessing this crime?
When Remington Wyatt sees her godfather's murder, she recognizes the killers and knows it's only a matter of time before they come to silence her. She must do the only thing possible to stay
FBI agent Rafe Baxter is serious about his career, and solving a cold case involving a federal judge's death puts him in line for a promotion he so desires. But the case leads him to the small town of Hopewell, Louisiana, where some secrets seem inextricably hidden deep within the bayou.
It kept along at a pretty steady pace. It was fresh, intriguing. It didn't blow me away with it's "wow" factor, but I genuinely enjoyed it.
Suspense fiction whatnot. Hand to hand combat, gunshot wounds, the judge is murdered at the beginning. Just expect the usual action/suspense/murder mystery type violence.
There's mention of a few affairs, nothing explicit. Characters falling in love, that kind of thing.
CONS: (what I didn't like)
1) The religious content felt kinda stiff, uptight and scripted.
2) The phrase 'oh-my-stars' was overused to the extreme. I don't who'd say 'oh-my-stars' in their head if they found someone murdered in their house. And using it upwards of 20-30 times throughout the book, is annoying. But...perhaps things in the deep south are...different?
3) I didn't understand why the MC puts a rather large emphasis on how much she enjoyed the feeling of being doped up after she's injured and in the hospital. It just didn't make sense, when the book has nothing to do with drugs or drug users, and the character thinks to herself that she would basically do anything to stay feeling 'high'. It seemed an unnecessary addition to the book, especially given the very conservative nature of the characters & author.
4) Speaking of which, there were a few plot strains that were added to the book, that never got resolved or finished. Thus, that leaves me, as a reader, thinking all they were, were plot "fillers" and not actually needed.
5) I found it a tad bit confusing, the "Day 1" or "Day 27" sections where the MC is telling the story in the first person. Especially because the timing is jumping back and forth (to all the other parts that are either in the future or the past, comparatively speaking, and are described in the third person), and then they don't even continue throughout the rest of the book. There's three or four or so, and then they just up and go poof. That was just plain tacky, in my opinion.
Overall, I enjoyed this book. I enjoyed the characters, especially Hayden. Remington I found a little hard to connect with, and I really was hoping for a little more connecting (getting to know you) time with Rafe, but- I enjoyed this read, even with the above mentioned 'Cons' section. Of course, I would've enjoyed the book more if the mentioned cons weren't in the book, is what it is.
So I'll give it 3 Stars & I'd recommend this book for readers aged 16+ (it is adult fiction, but some teens may enjoy this read)
Thursday, 7 April 2016
BeoWulf by Ronie Kendig | Books She Loves
Book 3 in the Breed Apart
series by Ronie Kendig, doesn't disappoint!!
Military suspense type stuff. Hand to hand combat. People get beat up, shot down, blown up, and there's blood. Nothing terribly up-close gory. There is one scene where an explosion rocks a team, and a soldier's leg is almost blown off. He nearly bleeds out, there's a lot of blood and he's pretty traumatized when he comes to in the middle of it- clearly in a lot of pain.
Timbrel has a few painful flashbacks from being raped- not really descriptive, more just the pain that she felt in the moment, or the breath of her abuser etc.
Our two MC's fall in love. There's attraction between the two (duh, lol) several kisses, some more passionate than others. Nothing very steamy.
Adrenaline, suspense, romance, conflict, cat and mouse, solving the mystery- this book has it all.
I loved Candyman & Timbrel as characters. They were relatable, lovable, colourful and unique. I found myself laughing over their blunders, and my heart cried when they weren't doing so hot. These characters are keepers that I will never forget, and will come back to re-read again and again!
I loved Candyman & Timbrel as characters. They were relatable, lovable, colourful and unique. I found myself laughing over their blunders, and my heart cried when they weren't doing so hot. These characters are keepers that I will never forget, and will come back to re-read again and again!
5 Stars, and I'd recommend it for readers 18+
A Spy's Devotion by Melanie Dickerson
Hands down, amazing YA Fiction book set in Regency England with a hint of spying & espionage, and a sweet romance on the side.
Some manhandling and roughhousing take place with Julia's uncle, and a certain unwanted beau when he's intoxicated. There's an attempted assassination, a character is shot and there's blood. Nothing too graphic.
Characters fall in love. As I think the author was writing this book with primarily Christian Young Adults, she kept the romance clean and innocent. The romance is fairly low key throughout the book. A kiss is shared at the end that is more descriptive than- THEY KISSED- but...that's romance, my friends. If a semi-descriptive kiss at the end of the book is not your jam, skip it, yo.
A character (married) tries approaching Julia during a party (he's intoxicated) and we can postulate that he has some inappropriate intentions involving himself and Julia. Nothing happens on that front.
As Julia corresponds with a friend, said friend depicts her falling in love (or so she thinks) with a man...the correspondence continues throughout the book, and the friend tells Julia eventually that she ran away with said fellow and "gave myself to him fully". Her lover dumps her with a ruined reputation and pregnant with his child.
I loved every minute of reading this book. It was a good break from reading all the contemporary suspense and get into the slower, more culturally romantic pace of Regency England, with some spying, espionage and romance thrown in there. The plot was fresh, the characters lovable, and overall this was a delightful YA read. I would recommend it for readers 13+.
For more conservative young readers, yes, there's a tad of romance, and a...slightly passionate kiss at the end of the book, so for certain readers- that might not be their jam- but personally, this book was the bomb diggity of YA Regency Fiction!
No One To Trust by Lynette Eason
(taken from book cover):
Summer Abernathy wakes up one morning to find her husband missing, three men in her home intent on finding him, and the life she's been living based on a lie. Which Kyle Abernathy did she marry? The computer programmer she met in line at the bank? Or the one who was apparently using that image as a cover?
The search for her husband- and answers- takes Summer even deeper into a world of organized crime where people are used one moment and discarded the next. And with her deepest relationship of trust already shattered, Summer doesn't know who to believe.
Hand to hand combat. Some explosions. People get shot, some at close range. There's an element of domestic abuse, and a recording a child plays with audio of their parent beating their sibling. Not in great detail, however.
You can expect general violence that comes with the suspense genre, but nothing that gory or graphic.
A few kisses are shared between our MC's. When the baddies break into the Abernathy's house at the beginning, one of the goons implies his sick intentions for Summer, but doesn't follow through with them.
Overall, this book was...underwhelming. The plot sounded great, and I had high hopes for the characters, but apart from a few cool action scenes, this book just didn't cut it for me.
I found the characters emotionally flat and hard to identify with because of that.
The MC kept making comments that irked when someone would ask if she was okay, she'd reply "I have to be" or stuff like that. Without being outright whiny, to me it just felt like she was being a baby and a tad bit entitled. It's just not an attractive quality. At all.
And her being angry with her husband- I can understand the betrayal- but she just seemed like she was being immature about the whole situation- it was annoying.
The plot was okay, but it didn't jump out and catch me with being fresh or unique. The villain was eh, and there was nothing that really stood out to me about the characters, plot, or writing style.
Which, while we're on the writing style, Eason's writing didn't seem succinct enough to be suspense fiction. It would have been fine if she'd been writing general fiction or even historical fiction, but with the suspense genre, I was thinking the writing style would be a bit more to the point, using more powerful, eye catching vocabulary, and taking less time to explain certain situations.
While there were a few cool action scenes, I wouldn't re-read this book, nor would I recommend it to other readers. Of course, the content explained above might not be annoying to another reader, so part of the "problem" with this book is subjective and will change with each reader.
2 Stars. I didn't hate this book, but there was nothing that made me stand up and root for it. Ages 15 ish +
Friday, 18 March 2016
Firewall by DiAnn Mills

Forgive the fact that I don't have a nice photo of this book- I read it on my phone, so I grabbed an image off of google!
Started intense straight from chapter 1, and always kept a good pace and flow throughout the book. This plot was multilayered and COMPLEX, people. There were so many plot strains and levels going each one was presented and uncovered, I was like, whet?!! So impressed. People. This plot was GOLDEN.
Some kissing, attraction, falling in love- that kinda stuff. This book is a romance! As our MC is a newlywed, the first chapter beginning the morning after Taryn and Shep are married, she remembers how passionate their wedding night was, etc etc. but nothing is explained or expanded on. Mentions made to Shep always wondering why she waited for marriage...that kinda thing.
There's an explosion in an airport terminal. Lot's of people end up dead, or injured. Hand to hand combat. Someone is taken out via a long distance sniper shot, shot at close range, drugged, etc. A character finds someone murdered in their house, their throat having been slashed and a pool of blood surrounding them.
I loved this book. The suspense kept me turning the pages in rapid fire, waiting to see what would happen next, how everything would work itself out- it was marvellous. So many plot twists. So many turns and unexpected events. I enjoyed the characters, the slight romance, the plot, everything. I loved this book, and would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys the suspense genre.
5 Stars & recommend this book for ages 17+. Again, some 16 year olds would dig this one, but for some, 18 would be better. It's different for every reader.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Weep In The Night by Valerie Massey Goree
Took a while to get going into suspense land- it laid a good foundation before getting more intense, which was fine with me. The groundwork wasn't at all boring, and it gave us a good background to work with.
Not much. A few kisses. Characters fall in love, are attracted to each other- etc. This is a romance, fyi :)
An agent running a protection detail for Sadie (he's a flirt) suggests getting a hotel room (for surveillance purposes) and says, "We could rent a room and watch from there. Have a little fun while we wait." He waggled his eyebrows.' To which Sadie replies, "Here? Are you kidding? I require a five star hotel."
An agent running a protection detail for Sadie (he's a flirt) suggests getting a hotel room (for surveillance purposes) and says, "We could rent a room and watch from there. Have a little fun while we wait." He waggled his eyebrows.' To which Sadie replies, "Here? Are you kidding? I require a five star hotel."
Manhandling, some hand to hand combat, people get shot in a scuffle, someone is run off the road and drowns in a river (not experienced firsthand, but recounted later on) someone is drugged, another time a character tries suffocating someone with a pillow, unsuccessfully.
Never read anything by Valerie Massey Goree before, but I really enjoyed this book. The suspense was great, the plot well constructed, the characters lovable and relatable, and the romance sweet.
The only thing I wasn't so much a fan of was the religious content- it just didn't catch me, but I can separate that and still enjoyed this read.
4.5 Stars & I'd recommend this book for 16-17+
Also, this is the first book I've read (of hundreds) that had the spelling of okay, as OK. To me, it looked weird in print, as I've always read it as okay, not OK. It felt like a bit of a splash of cold water to the face each time I came across it- but that spelling is not a maker or breaker for a book, it was just...strange. Anyone else have thoughts on the spelling?
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Eye For An Eye by Irene Hannon
Kept a steady flow throughout the book.
However, I will say upfront that if the idea of a psychotic killer who thinks he's doing God's work by murdering an innocent person, is not your jam, don't read this book. On the flip side, if you enjoy villains who are mentally askance and think they're doing God a favour and following 'The Good Book' by killing innocents, you'll be having a field day with this book. Just a heads up. It seems Hannon has a thing for creating psychotic religious villains.
Our two MC's used to know each other in high school- dated, in fact, so they have memories of their time together. During the course of the book, they kiss many times, appreciate the way the other person's body is built or how attractive they are, a few times (this is clothed appreciation ;) kissing, being attacted to each other, etc. etc. this is a romantic suspense- so romance is definitely on the menu, but nothing is really steamy.
There is reference made to someone purchasing a drug with street names like 'Easy Lay, Liquid Ecstasy' and other names- it keeps the body's muscles from responding to the brain's commands (basically paralyzing the user) and muddles the brain whilst keeping the user (or victim) conscious but not thinking entirely straight. While it is not used as it is intended, mention is made that it is a date-rape drug that predators use on unsuspecting women.
This is a crime fiction novel, so with law enforcement, comes a certain level of violence.
A teen commits suicide (we don't see it, but it is relayed by another character) by hanging himself in a barn. Another character is on a murdering rampage. Some typical crime fiction type guns/fighting whatnot.
For me, the only thing I really enjoyed about this book was the romance between our two MC's. I enjoyed them together and would have read a book just about them falling in love, outside a suspense environment.
I'm a huge suspense fiction fan, but honestly, Hannon's psychotic killers who think they are doing God a favor- I've had enough of them. It's gotten old, and it takes suspense fiction to a different level, that I just don't jive with. To me, it's annoying and not at all amusing, entertaining or complex. I realize sick people like the villains in her books exist, but I almost feel that creating a psychotic killer who is beyond insanity- is a very poor writing crutch, and apart from that- grotesque on multiple levels.
However, that is just my personal opinion. I know a lot of people love psychotic killer villains. I'm just not one of them.
I keep coming back to Hannon's fiction, somehow forgetting that after every book I read, I feel gross and disturbed and like I wasted several hours on a majorly warped villain. I think I might have set sail from the Irene Hannon fiction-dom. Who knows.
I just don't appreciate it when the story almost feels like it's more centred around the villain, than it is the MC's. I'm reading the book for the MC's, not the creepy villains that still disgust you long after you put the book down.
2 Stars for my enjoyment of the MC's romance, and I'd recommend this book for at least 18+
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Reacting to The Kiss Of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
This is a post, showing you my reaction when reading these books, all in GIF's. So, pull up a chair and enjoy.
Firstly, when I saw that title, and I was like...whet. What kind of a title is THAT?
But I digress...flip to the opening scene with Lia, laying face down on a table, half naked getting a wedding kavah done on her back.
Yeah- almost didn't survive that scene...half out of embarrassment for the character, half out of sheer confusion because I honestly couldn't figure out what they were doing. It's a henna tattoo people. In case you're wondering.
Then Lia commits political AND familial suicide, in running away. Like so-
But she feels pretty fabulous about it. #bossmode
Escaping trackers...scattering her stuff along the trail & in the river...she thinks she's GOT IT GUURL.
But then the dudes show up, and the FEELZ begin at their first meeting
The Assassin be like...#IveGotDis
And the Prince...seething internally. #HowCouldSheBetrayMe
And as a reader, I couldn't figure out who was who...was Kaden the Prince? Rafe the Assassin? I couldn't figure it out...
But try as the Assassin might- to act all charming and harmless,
to get Lia to like him...she ends up going with the Prince...despite his surliness.
So, despite an underlying weirdness...they end up being friends- er...something. And despite the Prince vowing to hate the woman who jilted him at the alter, he discovers she's not anything like he imagined she'd be. And the Assassin? Well, he's trying to hate Lia, trying real hard, bro- but the more time each dude spends with the princess...they come away saying..."I danced with the enemy- I didn't want to, but when I was with Lia, everything was different and..."
Meanwhile, since no one knew the real identity of the dudes, everyone was probably thinking (like I was) that Kaden was the Prince, and Rafe the Assassin. So, I was losing my marbles, because Lia was falling in love with the Assassin, and I was convinced her lover was going to slit her throat, at any minute.
And with good reason- because when Lia decides to go back to Morrighan, we discover WHO is WHO. THE GLOVES COMETH OFF.
Starting with when the Assassin (whom we think is the Prince) starts shouting in a foreign language.
What's that? Oh, that language is Vendan...Duuude...He's Vendan...which could only mean one thing...
HE'S THE ASSASSIN. And Lia is done for.
And we are shock. Utterly shock.
But first, it starts with a little of this...
But then the shock wears off, leaves you like
Betrayal has run it's course through our hearts. Ripped us open and run amok. But still, we can't quite get over how terrible it is. How wonderful we thought Kaden was.
I suppose not...
And yet, there's this terrible thing going on...WE STILL LIKE KADEN. Despite his misgivings.
Nope. It's not.
But it comes in waves...we still can't believe Kaden is the traitor. The baddie. Oh man, betrayal floweth deep.
Meanwhile...Rafe is feeling the burn.
The betrayal. The OH-MY-GOODNESS-WHY-DIDN'T-I-SEE-THIS-COMING business, yeah. He's pretty messed up about it. And despite his Princely ability to chill in the midst of a non-chillax environment, he's losing it. Slowly but surely.
And so...mission to find and take back Lia...has begun.
Meanwhile, Lia traverses across Cam Lanteux with the Vendan Barbarians, drowning in Kaden's betrayal.
And she must find a way to escape them...besides, she's got moves. And the gift.
And becomes more confident in her abilities, during their stay with the gypsies.Much to Kaden's utter horror..
Because while he likes to think he believes her gift is a facade...she's seriously starting to creep him out. And, just to be on the safe side, he vehemently tells Lia she shouldn't trust him, and that his people will ALWAYS COME FIRST.
As in, at every stop, you'll be the last and lowest priority concern on my list. #liarliarpantsonfire
And with that, the gypsies send them off- wishing Lia the best of luck- and smuggling her some assistsance- in the form of a weapon. #sneaky
Things got real with Walther's company of men...and left the readers like...
We see Venda on the horizon...
And all we wanna do is
But bailing is not a choice...and we wonder just what will we find within the pages of The Heart Of Betrayal?
Well...stay tuned- crazy & awesome and horrible stuff happens.
Read the content-breakdown review for The Kiss Of Deception
& book 2 The Heart Of Betrayal
And the Book Banter Video !!Connect on Instagram...
Lifestyle: @ToAshleyNikole
Bookish: @BooksSheLoves
Monday, 22 February 2016
Talon by Ronie Kendig
Book 2 in the Breed Apart series (read review for book one- Trinity, here) follows Aspen Courtland, reeling from the loss of her twin brother, who went MIA overseas. The Marine Corps says he's dead, but Aspen can't accept it as fact. With her brother's traumatized war dog, and a more than mysterious soldier who says he was with her brother the day he 'died', they set out for answers....answers people will kill for.
Brilliant. Fresh. Action packed. Complex. Everything that should be in an action, suspense, romance book.
Characters fall in love. There's more of an underlying sensual pull between Dane & Aspen, moreso than with most of Ronie's other books, but that suited me fine. Their romance was tastefully written, sweet, kinda tragic and passionate. They kiss a few times. For a cover during an opp, they are married in name only, but nothing happens in regards to bedroom scenes or anything of that nature. A few soldiers make reference to their having made the marriage legitimate, but it's a case of hearsay.
A soldier's gaze rakes over Aspen, and the context says that he "raped her with his gaze" or something like that.
Mention is made to someone's father having a mistress (said character is a result of their father having the mistress), and him calling her a whore.
There may be more references, but as I always say- my point isn't to catch every single one and list it here, it's just to give you a feel as to how each type of content is in the book- and if that is or isn't your jam.
Typical military/spy/suspense book type stuff. Hand to hand combat, blood, people getting shot- some at close range- people dying etc. There's mention to a character getting beaten as a child, being starved, having no heat or blankets in their room to serve as punishment. Another sub-character is pushed out of a window and falls to their death.
This book has everything that makes a book a goodie, in my mind. Action, emotion, romance, mystery, emotionally deep characters, a gripping plot- gah! It has it all, people.
This book would give the Bourne movies a run for their money- but seriously, it would make a fantastic film.
If you like suspense fiction, or spy type stories...pick this book up and READ IT. NOW. Today!
5 Stars & I'd recommend it for ages 18+
Like watching reviews in video format? You're in luck, I filmed a video review of Talon!
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Book Reviews & Inspo: @BooksSheLoves
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Booktube Book Review | Trinity by Ronie Kendig
Hey guys! Here's a book review in video format, if that's your jam! It's not a book banter like the previous video's I've done- this one is review only and no spoilers :)
Review for book 2 in the series, Talon, click here.
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Trinity by Ronie Kendig
Book 1 in the A Breed Apart series (read review for book 2 - Talon, here), Trinity follows the story of Heath Daniels, a once Green Beret, and Darci Kintz, a Military Intelligence Officer. Taking place mostly in Afghanistan- things get all kinds of crazy when Darci is abducted by some super baddies in the Chinese Military, while Heath and his war dog are sent to find Darci and bring her home alive.
Fast paced. Complex. Just when you think you know what is going on- boom! Plot twist. This book kept me on the edge of my seat, even reading it through a second time.
Falling in love- attraction type whatnot. While trying to escape a rogue Chinese Military camp, Darci knows if she doesn't escape, they'd kill her, after a brutal gang rape. Thankfully, that doesn't take place, but it's a reality present. It's implied that on a mission, Darci slept with the enemy- both literally and figuratively, to gain information.
Military combat stuff. People get beaten, shot- some at close range- their guts, brains or blood splattering the people around them, killed, tortured. With the torture, it's mostly electroshock, some roughhousing, nail removal (although the character only finds their nails are gone when they come to, they don't remember it happening). Not low on the violence content. It's a military book. But it's not over the top, make your stomach revolt on you type of explicit grossness.
Plot, romance, danger, characters, suspense, ON FLEEK! All of it. I loved this book, even reading it the second time through, I was glued to the pages. It has all the needed elements to be fabulous, high gear, intense military suspense read.
5 Stars
Age Recommendation: 18-19+
If you're looking for the video review, here it is.
If you're looking for the video review, here it is.
Come say hi and join the book conversation on Instagram!
Lifestyle: @ToAshleyNikole
Book Reviews & Inspo: @BooksSheLoves
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Digitalis by Ronie Kendig
Book 2 in the Discarded Heroes series, following the stories of different men who have left the broader military group and joined a black ops type group called Nightshade.
Read review for Wolfsbane - Book 3
Read review for Wolfsbane - Book 3
It builds up until about chapter 7, where things ramp up and get more intense. While this book wasn't non-stop action, it was full of suspense and didn't drag one bit. It flowed well- and the plot was intriueging for many reasons. Piper and Colton's relationship. The identity that Piper is trying to hide from Colton. Colton's flashbacks. Then there's the subplot with Azzan, the assassin in Israel. It was a full plot and I loved EVERY minute of it.
As the two MC's, as you can imagine, Piper and Colton are the love interests. Falling in love, attraction type stuff. A kiss here and there. Nothing super passionate or steamy.
Lot's of hand-to-hand combat. People get shot, killed, that kind of stuff. None of it is super graphic or really detailed, to my remembrance.
Hands down, I loved every minute of this book. It was terrible, wonderful, gut-wrenching, powerful and intense. My only complaint is that I wish there had have been an extra 25 pages interspersed throughout the book, dedicated to more interactions between Piper and Colton, because I loved them so dang much! I love the plot, loved the characters- all of it was fabulous and made for a perfect read.
5 Stars & I'd recommend it for 17+ ish- again, it's all quite dependent on each reader.
Friday, 12 February 2016
Season Of Glory by Lisa T. Bergren (Review by Ashley Nikole)
Book 3 in 'The Remnants' (not to be confused with The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson) comes out March 8th!
I finished reading book 2 - Season Of Fire, last Summer, and have been eagerly awaiting the series' conclusion until now! I devoured this book in a day- cause the suspense of wanting to know what happens to everything, was just eating me. I went!
The plot was slower than the first two books I'd say. It built steadily, with little mini-attacks and battles here and there, picking up speed around chapter 24.
It didn't feel as grounded as I think I would have liked- but to each his own!
There are references to consummating a marriage- bedding one's wife or husband, etc, etc. Brief kisses between Dri & Ronan, one or two more passionate ones. There's a fairly passionate kissing scene with Dri & Keallach, where they end up laying on top of each other in the street, kissing in the rain- Keallach compelled Dri's body in cooperating. Yes, she cooperated a smidge- but most of it was his controlling her into it. They get interrupted before anything else happens.
As in book 2, there's an underlying sensual pull between Dri & Keallach, even though they don't spend very much time together alone in this book.
War type gore. Decapitations. Hand-to-hand combat. People get stabbed, shot, sliced, blown up, cut down. Someone cauterizes a wound with a sword, searing the flesh together to keep the person from bleeding out. A character is beheaded with a sword during battle, in front of Dri. There's the sound of bones breaking, possibly the head hitting the floor and spraying her with blood.
I had pretty high hopes for this book. Unfortunately most of them weren't met with trumpet's blaring or glory music playing.It won't be like that for every reader- a lot of it is due to my own personal taste in how plot's flow, and how character's are made and played out.
The plot- to me- felt like it stalled a fair bit, subsequently accomplished too much (but at the same time, not enough) in the last ten pages of the book. I think I was just hoping for a different sort of climax to occur at the 3/4 mark. Oh well. My heart will go on.
I did, however, enjoy the supernatural component to the Dri as an empath worked, how the healer did, how the Remnants prayed over the sick and injured, etc. That was pretty neat. Besides several ideology moments that turned my crank the wrong way, I enjoyed most of the discerning, prayer, healing type content.
There were certain moments in the plot where I had some pretty good 'aha!' moments and I liked where it was going. There were a few scenes where the interactions between characters were touching...but honestly, if I'm going to fully enjoy a book, there have to be more than a few parts here and there that I enjoyed. I need more emotional & romantic connection between the two characters that are in love (Ronan & Dri), not just between characters that are totally forbidden to be together (Keallach & Dri)- and have the most romantic- er- sexual scene nearly being a rape...without any positive romantic/sexual content. That felt a little odd to me.
As I mentioned, there were several elements that did not make this series my favourite. Which is strange- because I really have enjoyed most of Bergen's you know, the River Of Time series is my favourite series to date.
This particular series however, was not my jam. And that's okay. That doesn't mean her writing is bad or anything like that- it's just that this series was not written for me to enjoy. It was written for another person, who will be absolutely crazy about it. And that is awesome!
Bergren writes like a boss, is an incredibly gifted author- but that doesn't mean that every single book she writes, will make me go dancing down the road doing a jig. And that's perfectly normal. I'm still a die-hard Lisa Bergren fan, and I will continue to buy, read and support her career as as author- because I have faith in her and LOVE her reading, even if a book here or there is just not my jam. Ya know?
This time through, I'll give Season Of Glory 3 stars and recommend it for ages 16+ (except maybe that scene with Keallach and Dri- it depends on the reader. If parents are looking for the exact page number- at least in my ARC, it was page 304-307)
If you've been a big fan of the first two books, Season Of Glory hits stores March 8th! Yeehaw! Lemme know how you like it when you get your hands on the conclusion to this series!
You can find me on Instagram...
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Post Script...
Character Chit-Chat & Confusion:
This book didn't float my boat- for a few reasons.
#1- I'm not a huge fan of dystopian fiction
#2 - This didn't feel like it was dystopian more felt like it was fantasy, or just slightly askance historical fiction with some elements of fantasy
#3- The relationship between Ronan and Dri was not compelling to me. There was one scene in book 1 that alerted me to their attraction to each other, but if I didn't know better, I would definitely have thought their relationship was strictly brother/sister style. I mean, I would've been okay if it had, but if they're going to be a romantic couple- even a forbidden romantic couple, I just wanted a bit more...substance to their relationship.
#4- The plot didn't feel overly grounded, to me, personally. To another reader, it could be totally different. It seemed rather...compartmentalized, not like each event flowed well and built into the next.
#5- There were many elements in this series that just to me. I don't know why. Not to say that is how it will be for everyone, but to me, if there's this underlying weirdness that I can't quite put my finger on...I don't enjoy the experience as fully as I might.
And honestly, I couldn't tell whether Keallach was coming or going. It was just plain weird- probably contributing to that weirdness I couldn't quite put my finger on? Yeah, it's probably all Keallach's doing. I mean, I knew there was going to be a certain amount of waffling, but in the end, I didn't even end up liking him- and I thought, at the beginning of the series that Kapriel was going to be focused on more heavily. Even though he's the older twin, he was more of a sub-character.
Friday, 5 February 2016
Deluge by Lisa T. Bergren (Review by Ashley Nikole)
Today I am reviewing book 5 of the River Of Time series! I have finally finished re-reading the entire series, and I loved it. So...let's get started.
This one is a lot more about life in general for the Betarrini/Forelli/Greco clan, than any of the previous books. There's not as much fighting & battle, people trying to kidnap the She-Wolves left, right and centre, but it is by no means boring. It spans over...I believe it's five years from start to finish with Deluge. It is split into three sections...
Part 1 - Preparations - Late Autumn 1345
follows the Bettarrini/Forelli peeps as they make their way to Venice to visit the Doge, and also to personally investigate rumours that two of their Betarrini kin, have time travelled and are stuck in the Doge's prisons. As this is a content breakdown review- as all my reviews are, there are spoilers aplenty. Also, whilst there, Lia & Luca decide to wed, and the following whirlwind of planning a hasty wedding and departure, follow.
Part 2 - Horizons - Winter 1345 - Spring 1346
#ForelliBaby #MommyGabi #DaddyMarcello
Part 3 Pestilence - 1348
is, as you can imagine, about when the plague arrives and ravages its way through Italy and all the surrounding areas. And then Firenze comes to commandeer Castello Forelli & Greco, as if all their attempts in the past weren't enough- and one great and final battle ensues. Intense business!
This plot has ebbs & flows of it being more intense, then less...the focus being more on living life and plenty of passionate kissing scenes, in part 1, then slowly building in part 3 until the climax and battle occur. Of course, it is so much more suspenseful, because you know that with the's not likely that everyone from the Forelli/Betarrini/Greco clan will survive, and that is the worst kind of torture. The. Worst.
Fighting, hand-to-hand combat, people getting cut with knives, swords, hit with arrows, stabbed with daggers. Dropping boiling vats of water onto soldiers trying to scale a wall. Battle. Blood. Lot's of it.
Two MC's are stabbed. One gets a spiked ball to the chest. Post-war carnage, including dead people and decapitations. Lot's of people die from the plague with those nasty, puss-filled buboes that eventually burst and smell REALLY bad.
This book has a plenty of kissing scenes, a good deal of content leading up to sex, but the scene always ends before that happens. I've included a few scene excerpts, just so you can get a feel for how they usually go :)
"Then, one by one, he pulled the pins from my hair, and I closed my eyes, appreciating the sensation of his every touch, the tickle of each section of hair as it tumbled down around my neck and across my shoulders. Slowly, he turned and unbuttoned my gown, freeing me of its confines, leaving only the shift for my nap. But as I sank to the bed and looked up at my husband, who put one knee beside me and slowly pulled off his tunic and tossed it aside- his shirt opening at the nape so I could see the finely sculpted muscles of his chest- I was well aware that there would be very little napping to be had in this glorious, gorgeous room along the Grand Canal."
When Lia & Luca get engaged, they share knee-jellifying kiss.
"But without further invitation he kissed me then, in earnest. Plying my lips apart, hungry, searching, demanding. I thought I could kiss him all night. We'd kissed before but never with such abandon. He'd always been so cautious, careful with my reputation, my virtue. But now that I was to be his...well, his kisses promised me many days and nights of passion ahead...'Oh, my Lia, my beautiful Evangelia,' he said in a whisper, pulling back and gently bending my head to the side. He planted tiny kisses across my cheek and slowly, delectably, down my neck, pausing at the clavicle. There, he hovered, 'Please,' he said, kissing me there again, the breath from his words sending shivers down my arms. 'Tell me that we can marry soon.'"
Luca and Lia get married a few days later- this scene is from their wedding night.
"His warm hands rubbed over my shoulders and he leaned forward to kiss me right where my neck and shoulder joined, sending a delicious shiver down my back. 'Are you afraid?' he whispered, all careful concern. 'Nay,' I said, 'not with you'. 'Good. There is no need to fear, Evangelia. Only reasons to rejoice...' he unlaced the back of my overgrown and slipped it from my shoulders...Luca pulled off his tunic and then his shirt, and stood there before me, all smooth-chested, muscle upon muscle...He bent and lifted me up in his strong arms, carrying me so slowly toward the bed, I wondered if we'd ever make it there....He seemed to get a bit distracted with me kissing him the whole time. It was like I couldn't get enough of him. When his knees finally met the edge, he tossed me, laughing into the centre of it and hurriedly chased me in, hovering over me, kissing, kissing, kissing..."
There are more scenes similar to the ones above...the romance has definitely advanced in this book, compared to the others. Usually the romantic moments are descriptive and knee-weakening- which is not a bad thing, but it isn't for every reader- especially every age. The sexual content in this book is more mature, but very honouring and beautiful in depicting marriage, but it doesn't trip into it being an explicit sex scene, which I appreciate.
There are other references to a man bedding his wife, making love to her, etc. etc. There are remarks about Gabi being in heat like a wolf. Gabi gives birth, it isn't extremely descriptive because a midwife is delivering the baby, so we either get the labour from Lia's perspective (she's sitting next to Gabi on the bed holding her hand) and Gabi, who's having the baby.
Gabi and Lia bathe, sometimes in separate baths but in the same room, sometimes one is helping the other with her bath.
A character makes reference to what the Fiorentini would do if they got ahold of his Sienese wife, how they would let the men, 'have their way with her' before torturing and killing her.
Again, as I've said before, I have in no way, caught all the sexual content that is in Deluge, in this section of the review. That has never been my intention. In these content-breakdown reviews, all I want is to let you, as a reader, get a glimpse at what each amount of content is like, roughly, throughout the book.
Incredible, epic, devastating & heartwarming finish to Lisa T. Bergren's 'River of Time' series. The first time I finished this book, I wept. Like I never have over any other book. Le-wow.
Personally, I wish the ending had have been a little different...with different characters, especially after the painting scene. I just wanted to see some closure and resolution between the family a bit more, but that's about it. Clearly, I'm not thrilled over certain people's deaths *cough* *cough*. But, my heart will go on. This is an amazing finish to one of the most beautifully well written and thought out series I have ever encountered.
5 Stars for this one, and I'd recommend it for ages 18+
If you want to read full reviews for the rest of the River Of Time series, check them out below!
Book 1 - Waterfall
Book 2 - Cascade
Book 3 - Torrent
Have you read the series? What were your thoughts? I wish it could keep on going...20 + books in the series...but alas!
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